• Anterior Uveitis

    Anterior uveitis (iritis) is an inflammatory condition affecting the front of the eye (around the iris – the coloured part of your eye). It is one of the many causes of ‘red eye’. One in every three patients will have recurrent attacks. Although it usually affects one eye at time, it is important to know that both eyes can be affected at the same time, or one shortly after the other.

  • Intermediate Uveitis

    Intermediate uveitis is the term given when the bulk of inflammation is behind the lens, but in front of the retina. It can be associated with a variety of medical conditions, but is frequently termed “idiopathic”, which means that there are no underlying problems found to be associated with the uveitis.

  • Posterior Uveitis

    Posterior uveitis is the term given when the bulk of inflammation is in the retina and choroid 9the blood vessels that lie behind the retina and in front of the sclera. This is the most sight-threatening form of uveitis and is often managed with medication that modulates the body’s inflammatory response.

  • Panuveitis

    Panuveitis is the term given when all compartments of the eye are affected by inflammation. In practice, an individual may start with one type of uveitis and change which parts of the eye are affected during the course of treatment.